Paul Nick Antonov – importance of yoga

Paul Nick Antonov is fitness professional in the field of fitness and exercise, most often instruction including aerobics and yoga instructors.

Yoga is very important in your life because it gives you peace, strength, flexibility. The main aim of Yoga is to help one connect with one’s inner spirit, which is connected to the universal spirit or God. Yoga creates a balance between the body and the mind and to attain self-enlightenment.

Yoga brings stability to the body and the wavering mind. In order to accomplish it, Yoga makes use of different movements, breathing exercises, relaxation technique and meditation. Yoga is associated with a healthy and lively lifestyle with a balanced approach to life.

It is the union between the mind, body and spirit. It involves the practice of physical postures and poses, which is referred to as ‘Asana’ in Sanskrit. Our modern day lifestyle is too hectic and puts a lot of stress on us which in turn causes a lot of life style problems like obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes etc. Yoga is the answer to all these problems. It offers harmless solutions to these problems in the form of relaxation.

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Paul Nick Antonov: How to Eat Healthy

Paul Nick Antonov is a fitness trainer. Paul Nick Antonov instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan. Paul Nick Antonov is sharing here how to eat healthy.Paul Nick Antonov is a fitness trainer. Paul Nick Antonov instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan. Paul Nick Antonov is sharing here how to eat healthy.

You should eat natural, unprocessed foods that humans are genetically adapted to eating. Research shows that such foods are great for health.

For healthy people who exercise and don’t need to lose weight, there is absolutely no proven reason to avoid tubers like potatoes and sweet potatoes, or healthier non-gluten grains like oats and rice.

If you are overweight or have metabolic issues (low HDL, high LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, belly fat, etc.) you should restrict ALL high-carb foods.

Fish: Fish is great. Very healthy, fulfilling and rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients. You should eat fish (preferably fatty fish like salmon) every week.

Eggs: Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. The yolk is the most nutritious and healthiest part. Omega-3 eggs are best.
Vegetables: Contain fiber and many nutrients that are essential for the human body. Eat vegetables every day.

Fruit: Increase variety, taste good, are easy to prepare and rich in fiber and Vitamin C. They’re still pretty high in sugar, so eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.

Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc. Rich in various nutrients, but very high in calories. Eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.

Potatoes: Root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are healthy, but they’re still high in carbs. Eat in moderation if you need to lose weight.

High-Fat Dairy: Cheese, cream, butter, full-fat yogurt, etc. Rich in healthy fats and calcium. Dairy from grass-fed cows will be rich in Vitamin K2, which is very important for health.

Fats and Oils: Olive oil, butter, lard, etc. Choose saturated fats for high-heat cooking like pan frying; they are more stable in the heat.


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Paul Nick Antonov : Benefits of Meditation

Paul Nick Antonov is a fitness trainer. Paul Nick Antonov instructs and assists people for the purpose of reaching personal health and fitness goals by following regular exercises and diet plan. There are numerous benefits of meditation. It is an essential practice for mental hygiene. Following benefits of Meditation are.

1. A calm mind

2. Good concentration

3. Clarity of perception

4. Improvement in communication

5. Blossoming of skills and talents

6. An unshakeable inner strength

7. Healing

8. The ability to connect to an inner source of energy

9. Relaxation, rejuvenation, and good luck are all natural results of meditating regularly.

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Paul Nick Antonov : why is nutrition important

Paul Nick Antonov is very conscious about his health and maintain his fitness by having blance diet.  Eating a balanced diet is vital for good health and wellbeing. Food provides our bodies with the energy, protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals to live, grow and function properly. We need a wide variety of different foods to provide the right amounts of nutrients for good health.

Healthy and balanced nutrition is important for everyone


Food is essential for our bodies to:

• develop, replace and repair cells and tissues;

• produce energy to keep warm, move and work;

• carry out chemical processes such as the digestion of food;

• protect against, resist and fight infection and recover from sickness.

The section below contains some guidelines on healthy and balanced nutrition. These apply to everyone

Eating well means eating a variety of foods. No single food contains all the nutrients that our bodies need, except for breastmilk for babies up to the age of six months. Eating a variety of different foods will supply the nutrients that are essential for our bodies. By taking care to choose foods that are in season and locally available, eating can be enjoyable, healthy and affordable.

Eat staple foods with every meal

Eat legumes if possible every day

Eat animal and milk products regularly

Eat vegetables and fruit every day

Use fats and oils as well as sugar and sugary foods

Drink plenty of clean and safe water

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Paul Nick Antonov: How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health

Music is an art, entertainment, pleasure, and … medicine for the body and soul. Playing music is one of the few activities that involves using the whole brain.

Not all types of music have favourable effects, however. Too loud or too jarring music can be distracting, and can compete for our attention with what we’re trying to do. But for the most part, exposure to music, specifically classics, has beneficial effects:

Here are the ways that music seems to impact our health and wellbeing.

• Music reduces stress and anxiety

Music reduces stress and anxiety

• Music decreases pain

Music decreases pain

Music may aid memory

Music may aid memory

• Music helps us exercise

Music helps us exercise

• Reducing blood pressure

Reducing blood pressure

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Paul Nick Antonov : How to keep yourself fit in day today life?

Staying fit is a great bonus to life and can lead you to be a happy and healthier person. By staying fit and healthy you not only look and feel better but you decrease your chance of medical problems such as diabetes, heart attacks, high cholesterol and hypertension. There are many helpful strategies to keep fit and stay healthy that, with dedication and ambition, can be done.

Start walking, jogging or cycling :  No matter what your speed is, walking, jogging and cycling are very important parts of a healthy lifestyle as they are activities that keep your muscles active and your blood flowing.

Exercise at home :  Working out at home is very easy and can be very beneficial.  You can do push ups and yoga at home.

Exercise in the gym :  If you like the gym atmosphere and can afford the membership then the gym is a great place to stay fit.

Join a local sport team :  If you are not a fan of the gym or practicing random exercises then joining a local sports team may be a great solution to get outside.

Get rid of any junk food :   It is one of the most important components of a fit lifestyle. Many people ignore it if you want healthy & fit life then stop eating junk food for this.

Eat healthy :  It is necessary to eat healthy diet nutrients and vitamins that your body needs. Fresh fruits and vegetables:  Melons, bananas, apples, oranges, carrots, onions, broccoli and corn, etc.

Drink a lot of water :  The human body is made of about 50-65% of water, and you need to keep replenishing it. Your body sweats a lot of that water so you need to put it back in.

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Paul Nick Antonov : 10 Pro Tips for Rock-Climbing Beginners

Paul Nick Antonov  fell in love with rock climbing when he was 12 years old. he is an authority on the sport and the author of 19 books, most of them rock-climbing guides. Paul Nick Antonov  climbs around the world and loves to see new climbers develop their abilities. Paul Nick Antonov is sharing his tips with new climber

1.    “Head for a climbing gym,” Paul Nick Antonov “Climbing indoors is easy and safe, and it’s a great way to try the sport and see what it is about. You can rent equipment, get instruction, and learn basic climbing skills.” When you get to an indoor climbing gym, watch the experienced climbers. Reach out to other climbers at the gym and learn from their experiences.

2.     Perfect your moves and your rock-climbing skills before you head out to the real rock. Consider building your own climbing wall. That way, you can boulder, or climb to small heights, and practice your technique.

3.    Once you feel ready to climb outdoors, recognize that climbing is a dangerous sport. The most advanced indoor skills don’t necessarily prepare you for a safe outdoor experience.

4.    To make an outdoor experience as safe as possible, go with experienced climbers. Hire a guide or take outdoor lessons from a guide service.

5.    Even if you head out with a group of experienced climbers, don’t rely on them for your safety. Be responsible for yourself. Learn to tie your knots, check your knots, tie them to the rope, and check your anchors.

6.    Remember that climbing doesn’t just involve the arms. “People often ask me, ‘Am I strong enough to go climbing?'” Paul Nick Antonov says. “The answer is usually yes, because climbers use their legs and feet to push off, rather than their arms to pull themselves up.”

7.    Don’t let a fear of heights prevent you from rock climbing. “Many people focus on their fear of heights and their fear of falling,” Paul Nick Antonov says. “I tell people those are two of our basic human fears, and they keep you alive.”

8.    Learn to trust your belayer (the person holding the rope for you). You can’t climb without trust.

9.    If you fall in love with climbing, consider buying equipment. But when you start, you can rent equipment: a harness, a helmet, one or two locking carabiners, and a belay rappel device. “Those are your personal climbing tools,” Paul Nick Antonov says. “You’ll also need a pair of proper climbing shoes. They mold to your feet and are less sloppy and slippery than tennis shoes.”

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Paul Nick Antonov: What is BASE jumping sport

BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Span, and Earth. BASE jumpers leap from any and all of these four fixed objects with parachutes designed specifically for rapid deployment. Known around the world as the most extreme of extreme sports.

BASE Jumping is a form of sky-diving that a lot of people know a small amount about, but only a small amount of people really know a lot about.

Buildings are the trickiest of the four elements for BASE Jumpers to fly from.

Antennas are significantly more popular than buildings because they can be as tall as any building on earth, but are easier to access, often have less security, and can be found in remote places, such as fields, deserts, and plains.

Spans are more commonly known as bridges

Finally, Earth is any large, natural formation that is suitably big enough to jump from. Cliffs, Mountains with steep enough drops, and canyons are mong the most popular. El Capitan, the rock formation in Yosemite Park in considered by many to be the spiritual birthplace of BASE Jumping.

If you are contemplating trying BASE Jumping, it is vital that you are aware of the inherent dangers and risk of fatality associated with the sport.

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