Paul Nick Antonov : Tips for Rock-Climbing Beginners

Paul Nick Antonov  fell in love with rock climbing when he was 12 years old. he is an authority on the sport and the author of 19 books, most of them rock-climbing guides. Paul Nick Antonov  climbs around the world and loves to see new climbers develop their abilities. Paul Nick Antonov is sharing his tips with new climber Paul Nick Antonov  fell in love with rock climbing when he was 12 years old. he is an authority on the sport and the author of 19 books, most of them rock-climbing guides. Paul Nick Antonov  climbs around the world and loves to see new climbers develop their abilities. Paul Nick Antonov is sharing his tips with new climber

1. “Head for a climbing gym,” Paul Nick Antonov “Climbing indoors is easy and safe, and it’s a great way to try the sport and see what it is about. You can rent equipment, get instruction, and learn basic climbing skills.” When you get to an indoor climbing gym, watch the experienced climbers. Reach out to other climbers at the gym and learn from their experiences.

2. Perfect your moves and your rock-climbing skills before you head out to the real rock. Consider building your own climbing wall. That way, you can boulder, or climb to small heights, and practice your technique.

3. Once you feel ready to climb outdoors, recognize that climbing is a dangerous sport. The most advanced indoor skills don’t necessarily prepare you for a safe outdoor experience.

4. To make an outdoor experience as safe as possible, go with experienced climbers. Hire a guide or take outdoor lessons from a guide service.

5. Even if you head out with a group of experienced climbers, don’t rely on them for your safety. Be responsible for yourself. Learn to tie your knots, check your knots, tie them to the rope, and check your anchors.

If you fall in love with climbing, consider buying equipment. But when you start, you can rent equipment: a harness, a helmet, one or two locking carabiners, and a belay rappel device. “Those are your personal climbing tools,” Paul Nick Antonov says. “You’ll also need a pair of proper climbing shoes. They mold to your feet and are less sloppy and slippery than tennis shoes.”


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Paul Nick Antonov : What is Meditation?

Professionally Paul Nick Antonov is a USA Backpacker & photographer, he likes to be fit and everyday pal Nick Antonov gives time for meditation  that help him to be consistant, healthy and many more. Paul studies books and always try to read something meaningful ,useful that can inspire us to do someting positive in our life and that information if we share with other people so that can help them too in their life style. Here in this post i would like to share with you about meditation. what is meditation ? and how we can take several benifits if we add meditation in our routine life.

Meditation is that which gives you deep rest. Meditation is an activity in which the practitioner just sits and allows the mind to dissolve. It is a simplified activity which can easily be practiced by all. Meditation is not concentration. It is de-concentration.

The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and serene and at peace, meditation happens.

Benefits of Meditation

There are numerous benefits of meditation. It is an essential practice for mental hygiene.

1. A calm mind

2. Good concentration

3. Clarity of perception

4. Improvement in communication

5. Blossoming of skills and talents

6. An unshakeable inner strength

7. Healing

8. The ability to connect to an inner source of energy

9. Relaxation, rejuvenation, and good luck are all natural results of meditating regularly.

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